In Memoriam: Lizzie
Follow the Moon.
Why we choose the moon for our product drops.
Why The Drops?
We recommend reading "our Story" before reading this section.
The drops are modeled after something another one of Nick's sisters used to say. Lizzie (who actually shared the same name as Elly— the nicknames were Nick's best attempt at differentiating the two at four years old) would tell Nick, "Look for the moon. It will shine like the light inside you. And even when darkest it's still there. Sometimes the time not right. But for you" and she would point at his chest "The time is always now." She spoke French and Russian— her English wasn’t fluent, but was understandable most of the time. She was talking about those dark nights when seeing anything but the clouds overhead was impossible. Most of their days were dark, and acknowledging the light was a herculean effort. But the light was always there. Inside all of them. Sometimes Nick reflected his own onto hers, and sometimes viceversa.
Lizzie lost both her parents when she was young. It was how she ended up in poverty and what resulted in her subsequent trafficking. As much as she wanted to protect Nick and the other children, he thinks that despite everything, she hoped her parents watched over her from above. Like the beautiful moon gazing upon the earth.
Lizzie was a reflection of ferocity and unyielding love. Lizzie found a way to let Nick and his siblings understand on an intuitive level that they were enough. That they were loved. That it wasn't themselves that were broken, but instead it's the situation that was. She was the only person Nick can recall from his childhood that could curse fate in three languages, let out all her rage, and then look at him with caring eyes and a welcoming smile.
She was a talented musician, and played often for the children despite the consequences of “making too much noise.” Her favorite band was ACDC, and Nick still fondly recalls the sounds of her playing (and singing) “It’s a long way to the top.” After all these years he sees the foreshadowing elements behind her song selection. The way out was a long road. And her mothering, sistering, and mentorship proved invaluable to him the other children in the years after her passing.
Lizzie was a person who loved fully. The kind of person whose love planted the seed of self-love in all of those she touched. When Nick looks at the moon, he’s reminded of a few people, and the one that comes up often is Lizzie. He’s unsure if a person’s spirit stays here, moves on, or something in between or far different— he’s still attempting to reconnect with his own spirit— but every full moon he makes time to gaze upon it. He feels the seed resonating that Lizzie planted inside him more than two decades ago.
When he can’t see his own light he looks to the sky. The moon is always there, in its immense glory. Just because he can’t see the moon doesn’t mean it’s gone. Just because he can’t see his own light, doesn’t mean it’s gone. And in many ways, just because Lizzie isn’t here in the ways she was, doesn’t mean her spirit is gone.
Lizzie’s message is integral to Midnight’s Honor. Lizzie honored everyone. As a young teenager she was capable of a compassion that Nick is only now stepping into. For him it’s something to aspire to. Compassion not only for others, but also for himself.
When you see the moon close to becoming full, we want you to think of Midnight’s Honor, but we would much rather you remember the young girl that likely would have grown up to be a rockstar, with a heart overflowing with gold.
All of us here at Midnight’s Honor hope she’s shredding in another plane with Bon Scott. Rest easy Lizzie. You are loved and missed dearly.